Worcester Radio Group is a non-profit amateur radio club in Worcester County, Maryland. The FCC call sign is K3WRG.
The Worcester Radio Group is an ARRL affiliate club, hosts annual radio events, monthly meetings, and weekly nets on the K3ORB UHF Repeater in Ocean City, MD (443.450 MHz).
The club is open to everybody with an interest in communication. Become a member on our website to get access to our mailing list, events, news, and other information.
President, Mark Shaw - K3WOC
Vice President, Testing Team Leader, Compliance Officer, Bob Trautman - K3BT
Treasurer, Secretary, David Fitzgerald - K3DAF
A very special thank you from the bottom of our hearts goes to our inspirational and loyal Lifetime Members.
John Willmuth, NQ4Q (Silent Key)
Tribute to John Willmuth, NQ4Q (PDF) by Arthur Parks, N3EAK
K3WRG meets on the first Wednesday of every month at the Berlin Fire Company Administrative Building in Berlin, MD. Join us for club news, presentations, license tests, special guest speakers, and more! Doors open at 6:00 PM for testing and meet and greets. Club meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Please note that the club is closed for business during the months of July and August each year for summer break.
Tune in to the Worcester County Amateur Radio Net every Wednesday at 8:00 PM on the K3ORB UHF repeater in Ocean City, MD. The frequency is 443.450 with a +5 MHz offset, PL tone 151.4 MHz. We would love to have you!
Ready to get your ticket? Whether you're new to ham radio or want to upgrade your existing license, K3WRG can help! We conduct license exams at our monthly club meetings. Use our contact form below to book your spot! Limited seating available. Testing starts promptly ast 6:00 PM at our monthly club m
K3WRG hosts a variety of events such as the annual ARRL Field Day Event and the Fall Meet-Up. Get out for a chance to meet other hams, experiment with cool equipment, deploy antennas, and much more!
Repeaters are one of the primary ways amateur radio clubs communicate and we have many options on Delmarva!
Here's a small list from around the tri-county area that our members and other clubs use regularly.
Visit www.delmarvadmr.com to learn more about the WR3IRS Interstate DMR network that spans across Delmarva and beyond!
Questions, comments, or interested in taking the amateur radio license exam?
Fill out the form below and one of our members will be in touch as soon as possible.